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Walk me over this horizon.
Let the sun's light warm my face.
Once again the times are changing.
Once again, I've lost my way.

While the words of ancient poets
Fall like dust upon my shoes,
Greed has robbed me of my vision,
Turned my heart from higher truths.

So take my hand, and lift me higher,
Be my love and my desire.
Hold me safe and unbound....
Take my heart to higher ground.

I have walked too long in darkness.
I have walked too long alone.
Blindly clutching fists of diamonds
That I found were only stones.

I would trade the wealth of ages
For a warmer hand to hold.
The path of light is narrow
But it leads to streets of gold.

So take my hand, and lift me higher.
Be my love and my desire.
Hold me safe and unbound....
Take my heart to higher ground.

In this world we move through shadows,
Never sure of what we see.
While the truth abides between us,
Come and share the truth with me.

So take my hand, and lift me higher.
Be my love and my desire.
Hold me safe and unbound....
Take my heart to higher ground.

Higher Ground album
Barbra Streisand

            God, we come together this November day to celebrate life.
            We are filled with gratitude for your many gifts; abundance
            beyond measure; love of family and friends; healing hearts
            and searching souls.
            We take a moment to pray for those who struggle;
            enduring catastrophic loss, grief, physical pain,
            emotional turmoil, and seeming insurmountable odds.
            May they find the strength and faith to carry on.
            We celebrate the beauty of our natural world;
            ocean, forest, mountains, sky, sun, moon, stars, wind,
            rain, and living creatures, one and all.
            We breathe deeply now and feel the grace of all
            that surrounds us.
            We experience a sense of freedom as we begin forgiving those
            who treated us with less than honor and respect.
            An expansion happens deep within our hearts, making room for
            joy and love and connection, beyond belief.
            Thank you, God, for life and its' experiences,
            which have brought us to this day of Thanksgiving.
            May we use your gifts only for the Highest Good of all.
            Lynne Newman

            The tree that never had to fight
            for sun and sky and air and light,
            but stood out in the open plain
            and always had it share of rain,
            never became a forest king
            but lived and died a scrubby thing.
            The man who never had to toil
            to gain and farm his patch of soil,
            who never had to win his share
            of sun and sky and light and air,
            never became a manly man
            but lived and died as he began.
            Good timber does not grow with ease,
            the stronger wind, the stronger trees,
            the further sky, the greater length,
            the more the storm, the more the strength.
            By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
            in trees and men, good timbers grow.
            Where thickest lies the forest growth
            we find the patriarchs of both.
            And they hold counsels with the stars,
            whose broken branches show the scars,
            of many winds and such of strife,
            this is the common lot of life.
            by Douglas Malloch

copyright Lynne Newman

Always we hope
            someone else has the answer...
            Some other place will be better,
            Some other time it will all turn out.
            This is it
            No one else has the answer
            No other place will be better.
            And it has already turned out!
            At the center of your being
            You have the answer
            You know who you are...
            And what you want.
            There is no need
            to run outside for better seeing,
            nor to peer from a window.
            Rather, abide at the center of your being;
            for the more you leave it
            the less you learn.
            Search your heart
            and see...
            The way to do...
            Is to be.
            by Lao Tzu, translator unknown
            printed in "A Grateful Heart"
            edited by M.J. Ryan

Miracles are Everywhere

            The man whispered, "God, speak to me."
            And a meadowlark sang.
            But the man did not hear.
            So the man yelled, "God speak to me."
            And the thunder rolled across the sky.
            But the man did not listen.
            The man looked around and said, "God, let me see you."
            And a star shone brightly.
            But the man did not notice.
            And the man shouted, "God, show me a miracle."
            And a life was born.
            But the man did not know.
            So the man cried out in despair.
            "Touch me God and let me know you are here!"
            Whereupon God reached down and touched the man.
            But the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on.
            author unknown


            May you find serenity and tranquility
            in a world you may not always understand.
            May the pain you have known
            and the conflict you have experienced
            give you the strength to walk through life
            facing each new situation with courage and optimism.
            Always know that there are those whose
            love and understanding will always be there,
            even when you feel the most alone.
            May a kind word, a reassuring touch, and a warm smile
            be yours every day of your life,
            and may you give these gifts
            as well as receive them.
            May the techings of those you admire
            become a part of you,
            so that you may call upon them.
            Remember those whose lives you have touched
            and who have touched yours are always a part of you,
            even if the encounters were less
            than you would have wished.
            It is the content of the encounter
            that is more important than its form.
            May you not become too concerned about
            material matters,
            but instead place immeasurable value
            on the goodness in your heart.
            Find time in each day to see beauty and love
            in the world around you.
            Realize that what you feel you lack in one regard
            may be more than compensated for in another.
            What you feel you lack in the present
            may become one of your strengths in the future.
            May you see your future as one filled with promise
            and possibility.
            Learn to view everything as a worthwhile experience.
            May you find enough inner strength
            to determine your own worth by yourself,
            and not be dependent on another's judgement of your
            May you always feel loved.
            Author unknown 


The Pathway of Divine Love                



Humanity is crying for comfort,
as the energy around us accelerates
and our internal systems speed up 

 to match the pace, beat for beat.
And we cry, "Is this where I find God?"

One by one, the fears surface to be healed,
and we seek comfort...
in shopping…smoking...
in any action that temporarily calms the fear.
And still we cry out, "Is this where I find God?"

And in the seeking we cry, again and again,
and we shop more, eat more, watch t.v. more,
search for God in books and bucks,
until numbness sets in...oblivion!
And we continue to ask, "Is this where I find God?"

And then, the longing begins in earnest...
and our seeking takes on a different essence,
as we connect with loved ones, with nature, 

with all living things, who also are asking,
"Is this where I find God?"

And, one day, the seeking intensifies,
as we get quiet and listen,
and a glimmer of understanding occurs,
as we go within, instead of out...
In our seeking for God!

And the wailing, the keening for God is poignant,
heart-opening, exquisite as we come to understand,
The intensity of the God within us...
And in gratitude, cry out, "God, I have found You! 

Deep within my heart, God; this is where I find You!"

Lynne~Rainbow Dancer 

May 19, 2005

Gathering in the Garden

Gilbert Williams

Gathering in the Garden

The energy hums as we gather
in the garden of life, ripe with song.
We open our hearts and our spirits,
honoring loved ones, now gone.

A celebration of life in the garden,
a prayer for all life in hushed tones,
As we enter the stillness our souls open wide;
we remember the feeling of Home.

In joy we join hands, stand in circle,
faces upturned in the sun,
In awe we feel the love of God's blessings,
our hearts tenderly joined now, as one.

Lynne Newman





(Oil on Canvas) 30" x 36"
by Rassouli
used with permission by the Rassouli Art Gallery


FantasyLand Graphics
Jonathon Earl Bowser

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